Programme SAP CRM_WEBREQ_DATA_MIGRATION - Migrate Form Data from Web Requests to the New WFF

Conversion program for the migration of form data for Web requests fromthe WFF area after upgrade to SAP CRM 3.1.

In addition to this conversion program for the form data, there is alsoa conversion program for the metadata (Customizing data), which mustalso be started after the upgrade to SAP CRM 3.1. This program iscalled CRM_WEBREQ_META_DATA_MIGRATION. It is only necessary to startthe conversion program for the data if you are working with Webrequests and have already created such requests. See also note 506046.There you can find all information on the necessary steps for theconversion to the new Web Form Framework.

This conversion program must be started after the upgrade to SAP CRM3.1, if you are working with Web requests (Web Service Request) andthere are already existing request categories.


  • The program can also be started if there are no Web requests. If you
  • are not sure, no error will occur if you decide to start the programanyway.
    • The program can be started repeatedly. If it terminated or you are not
    • sure whether the metadata has already been converted, you can restartthe program without any problems.
      • The program can be started for test purposes.
      • Selection
        Selection parameters: "Test Run", "Commit Counter" and "Log File"
        If you set the flag "Test Run" (default value), only a test run isstarted, this means that the data is not written to the database. Inthis case, logging is performed in the memory and cannot be accessedsubsequently.
        If this flag is not set, an update run is started. In this case, thelogging takes place in a file (log file) that you specify. This filemust be accessible from the current application server and writeauthorization must exist at operating system level. At SAP level, theuser must have the relevant authorization for the authorization objectS_DATASET.
        For an update run, a check is made to see whether the log file isspecified and accessible.
        The commit counter is used to control the commits to the database. Toavoid unnessary load on the system, it is not advisable to start aCOMMIT WORK after every converted document. Therefore, the defaultvalue 100 is selected, this means after 100 converted documents and atthe end of the conversion, a commit occurs for each.

        Test Run: Log information is written to the memory and is displayedfrom there after the run and then deleted.
        Update Run: Log information is written in the file to be specified anddisplayed from there after the run. After the run, it is available inthe log file.