Programme SAP CRM_WEBREQ_BRF_TRACE - Test BRF Rules with a Web Request Context

With this program, you can log rules determined in a trace for a Webrequest in a Business RuleFramework (BRF) event. The trace log and also the processed XMLrequest file is output as the event.
The XML file of a Web request is uploaded during the program run. Forthis purpose, you must place the XML file of a Web request in a localdirectory. SAP recommends that you save the XML request data of anexisting service request using programCRM_WEBREQ_XML_DISPLAY_DATA
orCRM_WEBREQ_XML_DISPLAY_DATA_V bygoing to XML -> Download .


  • A BRF application class exists with a BRF event.

  • A "suitable" XML request file must be available locally as an XML data
  • stream for the request category.
    • If you want to start the program from a Unicode system, you must have
    • converted the XML request file accordingly.

      The trace and event are output after successful processing of the rulesfrom a particular XML request file.


      • BRF application class (required entry)

      • Application class of the relevant BRF event
        • BRF event (required entry)

        • BRF event with rules that you want to test

          The trace log of the BRF is output if no errors occur during processing.An error message appears if there are errors during processing.
          Using the return button, you can go from the trace log to the processedXML request file.