Programme SAP CRM_UIU_PROD_REPOSITORY - Assign Set Types to Overview Pages

This report generates the runtime repository for the selected set typeso that it can be displayed on the overview page. The report has to beexecuted for each overview page on which you want the set type to bedisplayed.


  • You have created an enhancement set.

  • For more information, see in SAP Library, SAP Customer RelationshipManagement -> Components and Functions -> Basic Functions
    -> UI Configuration -> Framework Enhancement ->Enhancement Set.
    • You have created an enhancement for each overview page you want to
    • extend.
      For more information about how to do this, see in SAP Library, SAPCustomer Relationship Management -> Components and Functions-> Basic Functions -> UI Configuration -> FrameworkEnhancement -> Create Enhancements.
      This has to be done for each overview page (for example, PRD01OV forproduct, ZPRD01OV for application).
      • If the set type contains multiple-value attributes, an enhancement also
      • has to be created for the component PRDGENSET.


        Adding a Set Type
        When this action is performed, the following are created in the runtimerepository of the overview page:

        • New component usage (name = set type ID)

        • The type of set type concerned (single-line or multiple-line,organization-independent or distribution-chain-dependent, with orwithout multiple-value attributes) determines which view is referencedfrom the generic component PRDGENSET.
          • The view is added to the view set of the overview page.

          • The generated objects can be viewed as follows:
            Go to the component workbench (transaction BSP_WD_CMPWB).
            Enter the overview page and enhancement set and choose Display.
            Choose Runtime Repository Editor.
            RESET N1
            You can view the XML runtime repository using transaction SE80:
            Display the BSP application with the relevant name, for example,ZPRD01OV (depending on naming, see second point under prerequisites).
            Choose Pages with Flow Logic -> Repository.xml. Thisdisplays the XML runtime repository of the overview page, containingboth the standard delivery and enhancements.
            RESET N1
            If you repeat the "Add Set Type to Overview Page" action using the sameselection criteria, the generated objects will be deleted and thencreated again.
            Note: Multiple-Value Attributes
            If the set type contains a mutiple-value attribute, the runtimerepository is extended not only for the overview page, but for thecomponent PRDGENSET as well:
            • New component usage for the set type (name = set type ID)

            • New component usage for each multiple-value attribute (name = set type
            • ID + A01...A99)
              A component usage is created for each multiple-value attribute andnumbered consecutively from A01 to A99.
              • The corresponding view is created in the view sets.
              • Deleting Assignments
                Deletion removes the generated objects from the runtime repository.
                If you remove a set type from the runtime repository of the overviewpage, you also have to remove the set type from the configuration of theoverview page, and possibly from user-specific settings(personalization).
                The enhancements for multiple-value attributes made in the componentPRDGENSET are only deleted if the "Delete Set Type from All OverviewPages" action is performed.
                If the definition of a set type is changed fundamentally at a laterpoint in time (such as changing the organizational dependency), youshould perform the "Delete Set Type from All Overview Pages" action, andthen reassign the set type. However, if you have just added newattributes, for example, this is not necessary.