Programme SAP CRM_UIU_PROD_CONFIG_ALTID - Create UI Configuration for Alternative ID Type

You use this report to create a default configuration for an alternativeID type.
When an ID type is assigned to a product category, this ID type isdisplayed in the header view of the product application and can bemaintained. For this to be possible, the view PRDHS/AltID has to have aUI configuration for each alternative ID type.
Once you have created a new ID type, you can create a defaultconfiguration using this report.

Alternative IDs can be maintained in the product header in all productapplications (products, services, objects, and so on).

The alternative ID type has been created in Customizing forCross-Application Components, by choosing SAP Product -> Alternative Product IDs -> Define ID Types.

The configuration is created with the following parameters:

  • Object Type = PRD_ALTID

  • Object Subtype =

  • To change the configuration at a later point in time:
    Start the component workbench with transaction BSP_WD_CMPWB, enter thecomponent PRDHS, and choose Display. Select the view AltID and goto the tab page Configuration.
    Select the configuration with the parameters:
    Object Type = PRD_ALTID
    Object Subtype =
    RESET N1

    You can only execute the Create Configuration action if the viewdoes not yet contain a configuration for this ID type.
    The Delete Configuration option deletes the configuration of theID type from the view.
    When you execute the report you are prompted to enter a transportrequest. The configurations generated are entered in this transportrequest. If you want to transport the ID type to a follow-on system youshould import this transport request into the target system.

    An alternative ID type can only be maintained in the header area of aproduct if it refers to a field from a single-line,organization-independent set type. It must not consist of several fieldsfrom different set types.