Programme SAP CRM_UBB_POOL_DISTRIBUTION_ASYN - Asynchronous Pool Distribution

This report redistributes the pools.
This report only starts redistribution forpool contracts that havemore relevant redistribution items than specified in tableCRMC_UBB_POOL_PP. If pool prebilling for a pool contract has fewerrelevant items than those specified in the table, the system hasperformed redistribution automatically.
You can also run the Logs program node to display the logs ofcompleted pool redistribution runs.
You should always run this report in the background, never in dialog.

You have to start pool prebilling before you can start this report. Tostart pool prebilling, choose Usage-Based Billing ->Prebilling -> Pool Prebilling from the SAP Easy Access
screen. If you have not performed pool prebilling yet, the reportwill not select anything. If the report does not write any relevant poolcontracts for redistribution, it writes a message to this effect in thelog. If you have started prebilling for the pools, but theredistribution report still does not find any relevant pool contracts,then none of the pool contracts had more relevant pool redistributionitems than specified in table CRMC_UBB_POOL_PP. In this case, poolredistribution was performed automatically.

In the Program Mode area, you can decide whether you want tostart pool redistribution or display the logs from completedredistribution runs. The selection parameters in the Redistribution
or Logs area are relevant, depending on which variant youchoose.

Pool Contract Number: You can enter the pool contract numbersthat you want to redistribute here. Leave this parameter blank if youwant to start redistribution for all pool contracts. The report onlyselects the relevant pool contracts.
The Control Parameters section contains five parameters that letyou control the execution type and asynchronous processing in detail.These settings have a major impact on the execution speed. Whichsettings you define here depends on your system landscape (number ofapplication server) and CRM system settings (number of dialog and updateprocesses). The first few times you start the program, try differentsettings to find the ideal parameters.
Test Run: You can use this option to test the redistribution. Thesystem does not change any contracts in this case. During the test run,the system checks (among other things) that all the contracts can bechanged and are not blocked by other users.
Process Synchronously: This option is not active by default. Ifyou activate this option, the report will redistribute the individualcontracts in sequence, in the specified block size. If you do notactivate this option, the report attempts to process as many contractsin parallel as possible, which can boost performance significantly.Therefore, you should only use synchronous processing if processingerrors have occurred and you are troubleshooting.
Number of Items per Block: Use this option to specify the maximumnumber of redistribution options that will be used in a processing block(technically: CALL FUNCTION with CREATING NEW TASK). If you leave thisfield blank or enter "0", the system automatically proposes "10".
Logon/Server Group: Use this parameter to specify thelogon/server group to use. If you leave the field blank, the system usesthe default group. The group controls which application server runs thereport.
Maximum Parallel Processing: Use this parameter to specify themaximum number of parallel work processes (processing blocks) the systemcan use. Enter a limit based on the number of dialog processes availablein your system. If you allow too many processes, the system mayblock all other dialog activities. The value "0" is not valid; thesystem proposes "4" automatically in this case. The system uses thedialog processes of all the application servers specified in theselected server group.
Maximum Waiting Time (Seconds): You use this parameter to specifyhow long the system tries to get a work process for a redistributionblock before it treats it as incorrect (see also the "Maximum ParallelProcessing" parameter). The error is flagged in the log. Poolredistribution can be repeated for this pool. Upon the repeat process,the system automatically attempts to perform all missing poolredistributions.

The Logs area contains selection parameters that you can use toselect the logs of redistribution runs that have already taken place.

When you run the report in Logs mode, an overview of the logsfrom past redistribution runs is displayed in accordance with yourselection, with information on the program mode (production or testrun), date, and user.
You can double-click on a log line to display the log details. Thedetails contain one line for each processed pool. Below the pool linesare entries for each redistribution item processed in the singlecontracts, with a note indicating whether processing was successful ornot.
If the report cannot redistribute a redistribution item, it indicatesthis with a red traffic signal. If at least one error has occurred, thepool line in the log is also flagged in red.

An error occurred during the redistribution of a pool. If a temporaryerror is involved, for example, a single contract is blocked orinsufficient system resources are available, repeat the redistributionrun. The report now only repeats the redistributions that failed thelast time. Contracts that have already been processed are ignored.
If the problem is not temporary, contact your system administrator forassistance.