Programme SAP CRM_UBB_BILP_POOL_COMB_ASYN - Undo Period Changes Asynchronously

This report cancels the change of periodicity for pool-linked contracts.

You can use this report to cancel the change of periodicity for allrelevant contracts that are assigned to apool contract with achanged periodicity. The report selects the relevant contracts of a poolcontract automatically.
You can also use program mode Logs to display logs of completedcancellations of period changes.
We recommend you always run this report in the background and never indialog.

Before you can start this report, you have to cancel the periodicity ofthe pool contract manually. You do this via an action in the poolcontract. Otherwise the report cannot select anything. If the reportdoes not find any relevant contracts, it writes this fact in the log.
The system cancels the period change of the pool contract immediately,as soon as you start the corresponding action. The system does notcancel the period change of all linked and relevant contracts until thisreport runs.

You can select in the Program Mode area whether you want to startcanceling the period change or view the logs of cancellations of periodchanges that have already taken place. It is your choice whether toenter the selection parameters in area Period Change or in areaLogs.

Period change
Pool Contract Number: Here, you enter the pool contract numbersfor which you would like to carry out cancellation of period changes forthe linked contracts. The report only selects the relevant contracts.
Test run: You can use this option to test the cancellation. Thesystem does not change any contracts in this case. During the test run,the report checks whether all contracts can be changed, for example, andare not blocked by other users.

In the Logs area, you can specify selection parameters fordisplaying the logs of particular cancellations of period changes thathave already taken place.

After you have carried out the report in program mode Logs, anoverview of the logs of cancellations of period changes that havealready taken place, including information regarding the program mode(production run or test run), date and user, is displayed according toyour selection.
Double-click on a log line to display the log details. The log containsone line for each processed contract.
If the report could not cancel the period change of a contract, this ismarked in the relevant contract with a red traffic light.
If at least one error has occurred, the report also highlights the poolcontract in red. If the report succeeded in canceling the period changesin all of the assigned contracts, it sets the pool contract to green.

An error occurred during cancellation of a period change. If it is atemporary error caused, for example, by a single contract being blockedor insufficient system resources, repeat the period change run. Thesystem will only select the missing contracts; contracts that havealready been processed will not be used.
If the problem is not temporary, contact your system administrator forassistance.