Programme SAP CRM_TERRMAN_IMP_I_TEMPLATE - Template for Importing Territory Objects

Template for Importing Objects for Territory Management

You can use this report as a basis for creating your own report, to loadterritories and their structures from another system to the CRM Serverusing an ASCII file.
Alternatively, you can maintain territories manually in the Territoryapplication in the CRM WebClient UI.
Note: CRM_TERRMAN_IMP_I_TEMPLATE is a template report. Do not change it.Instead, copy it to your own report and adapt your report according toyour requirements.

In a Mobile Sales scenario, you can distribute objects for TerritoryManagement to the mobile client for display.
See under Selection for more details.

Before importing the territory data, ensure that

  • You have maintained the territory levels in Customizing under Master
  • Data -> Territory Management -> Define Territory Hierarchy Levels
    • The structure of the technical territory names correspond with the
    • definition in Customizing
      • The contents and the structure in this report correspond with the
      • contents and the structure of the ASCII import file
        • Redefine the structure of the import file LTY_RAW_RECORD

        • Redefine the update of the territory attributes: move from GS_IMPORT
        • to GS_TERRATTRIB
          • You have maintained the Ruleset GUID to indicate the rule set under
          • which rules should be created - in the file (for example: Import.txt)your are importing.
            The following example (also used in the IMG activity Define TerritoryHierarchy Levels under Customer Relationship Management by choosingMaster Data -> Territory Management), is used to illustrate how theASCII file should be structured.
            The ASCII file for this report template uses the following linestructure, which consists of the territory hierarchy ID plus the brickID. Note that the brick is an attribute, not a level, so it is notincluded in the territory hierarchy in the example above.
            A1B01C001D0000001ZB100 (for ABC Inc., Bottles, North, Boston, BrickZB100)
            A1B01C001D0000001ZB101 (for ABC Inc., Bottles, North, Boston, BrickZB101)
            A1B01C001D0000002ZB200 (for ABC Inc., Bottles, North, New York, BrickZB200)
            A1B01C001D0000002ZB201 (for ABC Inc., Bottles, North, New York, BrickZB201)
            A1B01C002D0000003ZB300 (for ABC Inc., Bottles, South, Miami, BrickZB300)
            A1B02C001D0000001ZB400 (for ABC Inc., Cans, North, Boston, Brick ZB400)


            Specify a file name including the directory path, for example:C:\TEMP\IMPORT.TXT
            Specify the validity period end of territory hierarchy, suggestion:infinite
            Specify the language in which the names of territory objects appear
            If you are running the report for the first time, do not selectCreate Territory Objects. The report will then run in test mode.After the report has run, check the log.
            If there are no errors, run the report again and select CreateTerritory Objects to update the database. We recommend that you runit in the background.
            For better performance, we recommend that you run this report withoutdownloading the territory objects immediately to the mobile clients. Inthis case, do not select Download BW/Mobile Immediately.
            However, if the territory objects should be downloaded straight away,select this field.
            After the import has been completed successfully, start the initialdownload of the objects to the mobile clients in the IMG underTerritory Management -> Data Transfer ->Download Territories to CRM Mobile.

            After you run the report, the system issues a log that lists theterritory objects and their hierarchical position.


672295Short dump during import of territory data