Programme SAP CRM_STATUS_OBJECT_CREATE - Enhance status object (OSS note 453522)

Enhancement of missing status objects in business transactions anditems

If the status object of the business transaction is not updatedsuccessfully due to an unknown program error, the relevant transactioncannot be opened. The following termination message appears:
BS001: No status object is available for .
If this occurs in your system, proceed as follows:

  • Check note 453522 in OSS. It may contain one or several program
  • corrections that can solve the problem.
    • If not, can you reproduct the data inconsistency, that is, is there a
    • defined sequence of dialog steps with which you can generate a businesstransaction without a status object on your system? If you can do this,send an OSS message to SAP with an exact description of how the errorcan be reproduced.
      • To continue working in the productive system, use the report available
      • to repair documents that show this inconsistency.

        The report checks business transactions and business transaction itemsfor the missing status object. It regenerates the status object in therepair mode.
        Caution: Due to data loss, only the initial status and errorstatus can be regenerated. Other statuses (for example, completed)cannot be repaired. You may need to postprocess the document manuallyafterwards, in order to set the correct status for it.

        You can use the following criteria to select the business transactionsyou want to check:

        • Business transaction number

        • Date of last change

        • Business transaction type

        • The data inconsistency is solved if you set the flag 'Repairdocuments'. If you do not set the flag, only a list of inconsistentdocuments is displayed.