Programme SAP CRM_STATUS_MAINTAIN - Status Simulation: CRM Business Transaction

The report CRM_STATUS_MAINTAIN is used for simulating and maintainingsystem or user status in the CRM Business Transaction.

Using this program, you can - regardless of the delivered transactionsfor maintaining business transactions (CRMD_ORDER, CIC0)

  • simulate status changes step by step to a business transaction, or to a
  • business transaction item,
    • simulate status changes to existing business transactions, or to
    • business transaction items,
      • check status changeability in different phases of a business transaction

      • ,
        • Execute and save status changes to business transaction.

        • The report is particularly useful in cases where the status maintenancescreen is not available in standard transactions for specifictransaction types (Opportunities, Activities).

          For simulation of status changes only select "Simulation (newtransaction)".
          If you wish to check a status object at header level, only enter therespective transaction type.
          You must specify both the transaction type and the item category for astatus object at item level.
          To simulate or execute status changes to existing businesstransactions, select "Use existing transaction".
          If you wish to check a status object at header level, only enter therespective transaction number.
          You must specify both the transaction number and the item number for astatus object at header level.

          Depending on your entries, an existing business transaction is imported,or a new business transaction is created. You then see the status detailscreen for status maintenance for the business transaction, or thebusiness transaction item for maintenance.

          Using the menu buttons above the screens for system and user status, youcan set or re-set the status.
          Using the "Analysis" button above the maintneance screens, detailedinformation is displayed for each status available in the UI,particularly if and why a specific status can be set.
          By pressing "Save", you can save possible changes.

          Further Information
          Status Management in the Business Transaction (technical documentation).