Programme SAP CRM_SRVCTR_ITM_QVAL - Quantity/Value contracts: Header and Item customzing consistent?

This report checks whether Customizing is consistent as follows:
In service contracts, both the transaction type and the item categoryhave a field called Quantity/Value Contract.
This setting should be the same in both the header and the item.
This report checks that these settings are identical, and displays awarning if they are not.


This report is important after upgrading to SAP CRM 5.2 or higher.
Before SAP CRM 5.2, there was only a header-level flag, so this checkwas unnecessary.
As of SAP CRM 5.2, the item-level flag is dominant and the header-levelflag is read-only and frozen.
Therefore, when you upgrade, you must check that the item-level flag isset correctly. This report helps you identify differences in Customizingat header level and item level.

A list of service contract types with the corresponding quantity/valueentries appears.
For each transaction type, there is a list of item categories which canbe used. The quantity/value entry is also displayed for the itemcategories.
If Customizing is different for the header and item, a warning appears.
