Programme SAP CRM_PS_SSF_CUST_CHECK - Social Services Customizing Consistency Check

This report checks that the Social Services Customizing settings youhave made are consistent in CRM and ERP. You can also navigate directlyto the respective Customizing tables.
On the Check Overview tab you can see where errors have occurred.Detailed Customizing setting checks are provided on the following tabs:
Checks whether an ERP system and a RFC destination are registered.
Transaction Type
Checks whether CRM transaction types and their associated settings areavailable in ERP.
Item Category
Checks whether CRM item categories and their associated item objecttypes are available in ERP.
Due Date Rule <-> Frequency Assignment
Checks whether the CRM assignment is available in ERP.
Payment Family <-> Payment Frequency Assignment
Checks whether the CRM assignment is available in ERP.
Due Date Rule Check
Checks whether CRM due date rules are available in ERP.
Checks whether CRM frequencies are available in ERP.
Payment Method
Checks whether CRM payment methods for the country specified in the ERPtable PSSCC_SWITCHVAL also exist in ERP and whether texts are maintainedfor them in CRM for the specified language.
Since all consistency checks compare whether CRM Customizing is alsoavailable in ERP, this means that the CRM Customizing settings are alsodisplayed in the tables.


  • Fields that are not available in ERP are highlighted in red.

  • On the Check Overview tab, the Check Result column shows
  • the result of the checks for a specific line.
    If all checks are okay, the result is assigned a green status light. Ifthis is not the case, it is assigned a red light. Any error that occursis described in the Additional Information column.
    • If the ERP/RFC check has a red status light, the system does not perform
    • any other checks, since it is not possible to access the ERP Customizingvia RFC.
      • The Customizing entries displayed can be executed as links to navigate
      • directly to the respective Customizing tables (Customizing views).

        By choosing Goto ERP or Goto CRM, you can toggle betweenthe ERP and CRM Systems to change the Customizing entries. If the buttonGoto ERP is displayed, this means that you are currently in theCRM maintenance view.
        If you choose the Refresh button, the system repeats all checks.This means that if you have subsequently changed the Customizing, thesystem updates the check results.