Report for Creating Base Hierarchy for Financing Products

The report creates the base hierarchy for financing products, includingall necessary categories and the assignment of set types. The reportcan be used starting in Release 3.0A and is related to SAP Note0381051.
You can also create the hierarchy manually using the COMM_HIERARCHYtransaction (Master Data -> Product -> Process Categories andHierarchies). The report is part of Leasing Customizing.

A base hierarchy for financing products cannot exist already.
Product Modeling Environment (PME) has to be in use.
Standard settings


In this step you create a base hierarchy for the "financing" producttype, complete with categories and assignment of set types. Thecategories are created as follows:
Below the financing hierarchy, there is only one category for financingproducts on the category level. No set types are assigned to it.
Second category level
Financing products (without assigned set types)
Financing options
Third category level below the financing options category
Financing options with financing character (such as renewal)
Financing options without financing character (such as earlycancellation)
Third category level below the financing products category

As a result, you receive a log that is accessible via the normalapplication log.

Check the IDs of the hierarchy and the categories. If necessary, modifythem to meet your particular needs.
Check the short descriptions of the hierarchy and the categories. Ifnecessary, modify them to meet your particular needs.
If you want to use automatic number assignment, enter a numberingscheme.
In the "PME Settings" group box, set the following indicators, as theyapply:
"Configuration hierarchy", if you want to create configurable products,and want to use the value limitation in category processing
"Expanded maintenance", if you want to use value limitations in productprocessing
Choose "Execute."
You can also create descriptions in different languages using theCOMM_HIERARCHY transaction. You can also use this transaction tomanually make changes to an existing base hierarchy, and in order tocreate more sub-levels in the hierarchy (for example, more categoriesper option type).
The report also defines a value limitation on the categories, for thefinancing product type and option type fields.
The report fills the alias names of the attributes on category levelaccording to the field names in the tables.