Execute Partner/Product Range Rules

With this report, you can execute thepartner/product range rules
(PPR rules) for which you have not set theExecute PPR Rule indicator inCustomizing. These rules are therefore not executed automatically eachtime the relevant PPRs are used (for example, in a PPR check inbusinesstransactions or for generating product proposals), but only whenthis report is started.
You can carry out this report as often as you wish. If, for example,youwant to generate new product proposals every two weeks, you schedulethis report to the executed as a regular background job. (To do so, youcan save a variant for the selection screen.)
When a rule is executed, a customer-specific function module is called,which has been assigned to the rule in Customizing.
For example, the product references resulting from the execution of aPPR rule for products are saved in the relevant PPR item in theassignment block Results of Automatic Product Evaluation. Whenyou execute the rule again, the existing product references are deletedand replaced by those from the current rule execution.
When you delete or change a rule ID on the Partner/Product RangeItem page, any existing parameter values and any product, account,and validity period references resulting from the executing of thisruleare deleted.

You have made the following settings in Customizing for CustomerRelationship Management under Master Data ->Partner/Product Range:

  • You have defined PPR rules and, if applicable, rule parameter objects,
  • in the Customizing activities Define Rules for Partner/ProductRanges and Define Parameter ID and Parameter Objects for PPRRules.
    • In the Customizing activity Define Partner/Product Range Types,
    • you have defined the reference types Products from PPR Product Rule, Business Partners from PPR Business Partner Rule, andValidity Periods from PPR Validity Period Rule for the relevantPPR types, as applicable.


      Choose at least one PPR type, one PPR ID or one PPR rule.

      In the General PPR Header Data screen area, choose the PPRs orPPR types for which you want to execute the report.
      In the PPR Status to Be Considered group box, choose whether thereport is to be executed for active PPRs, PPRs with the status inprocess, or both.
      In the Consider group box, choose if the report is to beexecutedfor PPRs with exclusion indicators.
      In the PPR Item Data group box, enter the PPR rules that are tobe executed and, if applicable, the relevant parameter IDs. You canalsodefine that the rules are to be executed in particular applicationsonly(for example, Account Planning).
      Choose Execute.
      On the following screen, choose the PPRs for which you want the rulestobe executed.
      Choose Execute PPR Rule.

      If you set the Test Mode indicator in the Further Optionsgroup box, the report is carried out, but the rules are not executed.When you choose Execute, a list of the selected PPR rules isdisplayed.