Title Automatic R/3 Organizational Data Generation in CRM Purpose The program generates the R/3 organizational structures in CRM when youclick on the mouse. Generation cannot be reset or repeated. Prerequisites The Customizing tables for distribution channels and divisions must becopied from the R/3 System to CRM Enterprise. Before generation, make sure that no organizational units have alreadybeen created manually. This can lead to inconsistencies. Features Selection The system reads the sales areas, the sales offices, sales groups andcurrencies in the organizational structures from the component Salesand Distribution> from the corresponding R/3 System.Activities The system reads the R/3 sales structures and produces them in the abovepart of the ALV Grid Control. You trigger generation of R/3 sales structures by pressing Generate >. The result is logged in the lower part of ALV Grid Control. If errorsoccur during generation, the columns Activated>, Generated >will be marked accordingly with a red traffic light. To deal with errors or for a more detailed analysis, use the IMGactivity Change Organizational Plan>. Multiple assignments>,existing in your R/3 structure will be copied to the organizationalmodel in CRM Enterprise, if you are using theenhanced backend integrationversion> of the organizational model. If you are using thestandard backend integrationversion> multiple assignments will be ignored. Further information about organizational model versions can be found inthe Customizing activity Convert Org.Model to Represent R/3 Multiple Assignments> |