Purpose This program replaces the missing option to execute a single test forthe function module CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN. The usual single test function in transaction SE37 is not possible assorted tables are used as import parameters. The moduleRS_COMPLEX_OBJECT_EDIT used from Basis for maintaining import parametersis only able to process standard tables. Features The report executes a test call of the function moduleCRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN and displays the result (the export parameters). In addition, it is possible to
- Save the changed data on the database,
- Delete the buffer afterwards,
- And, by calling CRM_ORDER_READ, to read it again.
- Specify the transaction number, the transaction GUID or the item GUID
for changing an existing transaction.
- Specify how many headers or items are to be created for creating new
transactions or items.
- Select "Subobject to be maintained" for the subobjects that you wish to
change or enter.
- After, enter "Maintain input values", and maintain the interface for
CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN. This means you make an entery for the IT_X_COMparameter for subobject X, and make the required entries in theCT_INPUT_FIELDS table.
- If you wish to save and initialize after the change, specify this.
- If the transaction should be re-read in the buffer afterwards, specify
this.Standard_variants You can save your entries as a variant. All entered data is then storedunder a GUID in the INDX table, and can be recovered again by callingthis variant. Output The output parameter for CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN and, if necessary, forCRM_ORDER_SAVE, CRM_ORDER_INITIALIZE and CRM_ORDER_READ are issued.