Programme SAP CRM_ORDER_CORR_DELIVERY_STATUS - Interactive Correction of Delivery Qty and Status in Sales Orders

Using this report, you can correct the delivered quantity and deliverystatus at item level for sales orders in the "Extended Order Management"(EOM) scenario.
When external vendors are included in the EOM scenario, it is usual forthem to send confirmation regarding their delivery to the customer tothe CRM System electronically (EDI or XML). If an error occurs duringthis confirmation, this data can be corrected using this report.

You can only use this report if the EOM scenario has been activated. Thereport only selects items that have not been replicated to an R/3System. Delivery information is updated exclusively from R/3.

Select the items that you would like to correct from the selectioncriteria order and/or item. Choose "Execute". The report displays a listscreen with the items selected. You can change the delivered quantity inthe list screen; the delivery status is determined based on the quantityentered. It takes the under-delivery tolerance into consideration. Thechanged items are updated when you save.