Programme SAP CRM_ORDER_CHECK_STATUS - Status Analysis for CRM Business Transactions

You can use this program to analyze data from CRM Business Transactionsregarding their status.

You have the following options for selecting the business objects youwant to analyze:

  • You enter a business object type and the required statuses: The system
  • analyzes all transaction types which are assigned to this businessobject type.
    • You enter a selection of transaction types and the required statuses:
    • The system analyzes all selected transaction types independent of thebusiness object type.
      • You enter a business object type, as well as the required transaction
      • types and statuses: The system checks which of the entered transactiontypes belong to the business object type. These are then analyzed. Ifnone of the entered transaction types belong the transaction types ofthe business object type, then the program will not run an analysis.
        If you do not enter any restrictions for the status, all possiblestatuses are taken into consideration during analysis. This should,however, be avoided for performance reasons.

        The system issues a list of analyzed transaction types with the numberof business objects per transaction type and status.
        If data archiving is set for a particular transaction type, thecorresponding archiving object and residence time set in Customizingare also specified.

        A double-click on a row in the list takes you to the display ofindividual business objects with a particular transaction type andstatus.
        A double-click on an individual business object then returns you to theoriginal display of the business transaction.

        You want to find out how many CRM Activities with status "archivable"are available in the system.
        Make the following entries in the selection screen:

        • Business Object Type: BUS2000110

        • Status: I1100

        • The system displays a list of all transaction types which belong to aCRM Activity and which also have status "archivable", and gives thenumber of business objects for each type.