Programme SAP CRM_ODE_CHECK_DOC - Comparision Between CRM and R/3 Sales Document

Data can frequently be inconsistent in R/3 and CRM in the area of dataexchange transactions.
You can use this program to identify some of these differences.


R/3 system with the function modules:
CRM_ODE_GET_VBELN from SAP Note 759193.
If this function module is not present, all R/3 documents are displayedwith the selection. They are NOT checked against the filter of BDOCsales document.
CRM_ODE_CHECK_DOC from SAP Note 584028.

The report checks whether a transaction exists in R/3 and CRM.
On the R/3 side the filter settings are taken into account.
The following is checked:
Order exists in both systems.
At item level:
Item exists, material, higher-level item, cancellation reason code, itemcategory,
Order quantity, confirmed quantity, delivery quantity, billing quantity.

The following is selected:
transaction type
sales organization in CRM (conversioninto R/3 sales organizations),
transaction ID and
posting date for the transaction.
To influence the peformance of the report, you can configure the numberof transactions that are processed in one block under 'Block Size'. Morememory is taken up during the runtime when the block size is larger. Asmall block size generates more overhead through which the runtime canbe extended.
Display variants:
It is possible to break up a transaction at item level.
The displayed transactions can be filtered with the error status.
Error-free transactions
Transactions that are in CRM and R/3 but are error-free.
Transactions that only exist in R/3 but based on the filter should alsoexist in CRM.
Transactions that only exist in CRM but should also exist in R/3 if thedistribution is bulk.
The selection should be restricted online, as data selection via RFCcalls in R/3 can take a long time.
The report can be run in the background. However, you cannot display theitem details by double-clicking in this case.

The output has the following variants:
1. Display of order data header.
St.,,Status:,,C=R ,,No errors
,, ,,E,,Transaction in CRM and R3 but with errors
,, ,,R3,,Transaction only in R/3, however should also be in CRMbased on filter
,, ,,CRM,,Transaction only in CRM, should also be in R/3 ifdistribution is bulk
OBJECTID,,Document Number
Created CRM,,Created in CRM System
Changed CRM,,Changed in CRM System
DOCCL,,Sales Document Class
Created R/3,,Created in R/3 System
Chngd R/3,,Changed in R/3 System
G,,Status Transferring
T,,Status Transferred
F,,Status Transfer Failed
E,,Status Error
O,,Status from OLTP
P,,Collective Status of Item
2. Display transaction with item data.
OBJECTID,,Document Number
Created CRM,,Created in CRM System
Changed CRM,,Changed in CRM System
DOCCL,,Sales Document Class
Created R/3,,Created in R/3 system
Chngd R/3,,Changed in R/3 system
G,,Status Transferring
T,,Status Transferred
F,,Status Transfer Failed
E,,Status Error
O,,Status from OLTP
P,,Collective Status of Item
Sys,,System of Item
M,,Error in Material, Cancellation Reason Code
O,,Error in Order/Confirmed Quantity
L,,Error in Delivered/Billed Quantity
3. When online you can display the item details by double-clickng.
This list then has the following structure
Sys,,System of the Item
Material,,Material Description
Cty,,Item Category
A,,Item Type
HghItm,,Higher-Level Item
CR,,Cancellation Reason Code
M,,Status of General Item Data
ORD_QUAN,,Order Quantity
ME,,Unit of Measure
CONF_QUAN,,Confirmed Quantity
ME,,Unit of Measure
O,,Status Order/Confirmed Quantity
DEL_QUAN,,Delivered Quantity
ME,,Unit of Measure
FAKTU_QUAN,,Billed Quantity
ME,,Unit of Measure
P,,Status Delivered/Billed Quantity
G,,Status Transferring
T,,Status Transferred
F,,Status Transfer Failed
E,,Status Error
Error Meaning:
O = Error-Free,
E = Error,
C = Check Result,
V = Conversion Error in Units of Measure

Different types of data synchronization can be triggered with theinformation about orders that contain errors.
You should always test data synchronization on one order before youcarry out mass processing.