Programme SAP CRM_MKTTG_TREX_UPDATE - Fast Find Update for Segment Builder

This report helps you to update fast find data with current businesspartner data for segmentation from the CRM system and connected systems(for example, SAP BW).

A correctly configured TREX system is connected.
You have made all necessary settings in Customizing for segmentation.
You must execute the report as a batch job.

You can choose exactly what is updated in the fast find:
Business Partners

  • Select. Attribs. (if Required)

  • The system checks whether all selection attributes in the CRM system areactivated for fast find for the update period and, if required, updatesthem. If you choose the option "Force Update", the attributes areupdated in any case.
    For attributes that have delta handling activated, a delta upload onlyis performed.
    If the option "Synchronize Business Partners Beforehand" is selected,the system checks before uploading the attributes whether all businesspartners from CRM are in TREX and transfers any missing businesspartners. It makes sense to select this option, since the attributeupload is canceled if business partners are missing.
    • Segmentation Basis

    • All master groups are exported again to the fast find.
      • Synchronize Business Partners Beforehand

      • In addition to Select. Attribs. (if Required) and
        Segmentation Basis, you can specify that the business partners aresynchronized before the update.
        • Synchronize Business Partners

        • The business partners in the fast find are compared with those in theCRM system; business partners that have been deleted in CRM are removedfrom the fast find and new business partners are added to the fast find.
          • Full Upload

          • The index in the fast find is deleted and then created again. Duringthis time, the fast find cannot be used in segmentation.
            Marketing Prospects
            • Select. Attribs. (if Required)

            • See above
              • Synchronize Marketing Prospects Beforehand

              • See above
                • Full Upload

                • See above

                  This report is also used to update the fast find regularly by means of abatch job. If nothing is predefined (variant), the option Select.Attribs. (if Required) is used by default. If, for example, a fullupload is to take place regularly, a corresponding variant must becreated. Note that the report has to run as a batch job.