Programme SAP CRM_MKTTG_TG_DELETE - Deletion of Target Groups

This program enables you to delete several target groups.

The program finds target groups that match the selection parametervalues and deletes them. All target groups found are listed. If a targetgroup cannot be deleted, an error message is issued. The program willthen attempt to delete the next target group.
If you have many target groups or large target groups, it is recommendedthat you execute the program as a background job. In this case, you canfind any messages in the spool list of the background job.
If the program is executed in test mode, the target groups found arelisted but not deleted.
An additional parameter allows you to choose whether the target groupGUID should be displayed as well as the target group description.

The selection parameter values are linked with AND, which means that theattributes of the target groups for deletion must contain all theselection parameter values.
Note that the date selection parameters are used to find target groupsthat were created or changed BEFORE this date.
You can also enter individual target groups directly. The attributes ofthese target groups do NOT have to contain all values of the selectionparameters.