Programme SAP CRM_MKTTG_RENUMBER_TG_ITEMS - Renumber Target Group items for a range of Profile Sets

This program creates distinct row numbers for the Target Group itemscontained within one or several Profile Sets. The distinct row numbersof Target Group items are necessary for the internal APIs to provide astateless and packaged reading of Target Group items. These new APIs areavailable from CRM 7.0 on to process large Target Groups with millionsof items.
For newly created Target Groups, the row numbers are createdautomatically. This report must be used prior to working with TargetGroups which were created in previous releases.

The program finds all Target Groups within a Profile Set and creates newdistinct row numbers for the Target Group items.

Use the value help for selecting the Profile Sets that need the rownumber conversion.

As Target Groups can have millions of items, the execution of thisprogram in the background is recommend.