Programme SAP CRM_MKTPML_TEST_MAIL_FORM - Test Mail Form

This reports provides test functionalties for the API and the ExecutionService of mail forms.


Mail Form ID:,,,,,,
ID of mail form that shall be used for the test

Language that shall be used during personalization test (optional)

Business Partner ID:,,,,
ID of business partner that shall be used during personalization test(optional)


Adminstrative Data
The adminstrative header data of the test mail form is displayed.

The subject and text elements of the test mail form are listed.Additionally, an indicator shows whether conditions are assigned tothese mail form elements.

Available Languages
The languages in which the test mail form is available are listed. Thisrepresents the original language of the test mail form in addiotion tothe languages in which at least one translation of a text element orsubject element exists.

Included Variables
All personalization attributes that have been inserted into the text andsubject elements are shown. This may include the response ID (MIG),placeholders for product tables and the personal response code.

Tracking enabled links
Hyperlinks that have been inserted into the text elements and have beentracking enabled are listed. (Note that normal hyperlinks are not shownhere)

Included Pictures
Pictures are list together with their content management keys.

Included Attachments
Pictures are list together with their content management keys.

A personalized prview is shown (HTML source code).

High Volume Template
A high volume mail form template is generated and displayed.