Programme SAP CRM_MKTIMEX_BATCH_CLEAN_UI - Deletion of import / export entries

This report can be used to delete entries in the database tables of theimport / export services. During import and export data is temporarilystored in database tables. Usually, the temporary data will be deletedonce it has been written to the file. However, depending on theapplication or due to a general problem it may be necessary to deletethe temporary data with help of this report.
You should use this report carefully and take into consideration thatthe deletion of entries may lead to problems in the correspondingapplication, e.g. the application might not be able to finish an importor export successfully. This may also lead to serious problems in theapplication.
The deletion will take place in batch mode and it is possible to useeither parallel or non-parallel execution.

Currently the import / export services for exporting campaign relatedbusiness partner data to files is only used during campaign execution.In this scenario it is possible that the execution of a campaign orcampaign element is aborted due to technical problems and a restart ofthe campaign or the campaign element is not planned. In that case thedata which has been exported temporarily to the import / export databasetables is no longer used and can be deleted.

Application: Name of the application, for which entries should besearched. It is possible to search with the wildcard character (*).
Server group: Server group which should be used in case ofparallel execution.
Maximum Parallel Processes: Maximum number of parallel processesthat should be used in case of parallel execution.
If the fields Server Group and Maximum Parallel Processesare left empty non-parallel execution will be used. If both fields arefilled and the number of the maximum parallel processes is greater than1 parallel execution will be used. Depending on the system load thenumber of processes actually used may be less than the one specified inthe field Maximum Parallel Processes .

After entering the input values and executing the selection, you willget a list of the entries found. To display detailed information aboutthese entries, choose Detail or double-click on the entry. Youcan select the entries to be deleted by marking the check boxes. Finallyyou choose Execute and schedule a job.