This report notifies agents via e-mail about new work items in SAPBusiness Workplace.
Technically, this involves one of the calls of report RSWUWFML2 that istailored to the requirements of investigations. Therefore, we recommendalso referring to the documentation for this report.
On the selection screen, you can specify a list of workflow standardtasks and a list of user IDs for which the report should be executed.This would not be possible in this format if you used the originalreport.
You can either enter the workflow standard tasks manually or use theinput help (F4) to find them. In any case, when entering the standardtasks, you must leave off the prefix "TS". The report adds the prefixinternally.
A structure search is available in the input help (F4) for standardtasks. You will find the investigation tasks in the structure underCustomer Relationship Management --> Business Transactions --> BasicFunctions for Business Transactions.
This report is intended for background execution.

The report sends e-mails to Internet e-mail addresses. Therefore, it isrequired that all users for whom this report is used also have a validInternet e-mail address defined in the system.
You can do so either by entering the e-mail addresses directly in theuser master record or in SAP Business Workplace. In SAP BusinessWorkplace, choose Settings --> Office Settings -->Automatic Forwarding.