Programme SAP CRM_LOY_PSH_POINT_SETTLEMENT - Loyalty Partnership Point account settlement report

This report does the following:

  • Selects the loyalty program and its partnerships which are active.

  • Buys and sells transaction types.

  • Creates sales orders for the corresponding transaction type to settle
  • point balances of the specified partnerships.

    Loyalty Program - Selection or a loyalty program that must be settled.
    Partnership ID - Partnership ID or value range of the partnerships.
    Buy Points Transaction Type - When the host buys points from thepartner, the type of returns is indicated.
    Sell Points Transaction Type - When the host sells points to thepartner, the type of sales order is indicated.
    Credit Positive Values - Checkbox to select if positive values must becredited to the partner.

    The output of the report execution can be seen using SLG Logs. Thetransaction used is SLG1.

    The transaction type LCAA. is for Buy Points Transaction Type.
    The transaction type LTAS is for Sell Points Transaction Type.