Programme SAP CRM_ISU_ARC_PROFILE_DELETE - Archiving Profile: Deletion Program

You use this program to delete profiles, which were archived using theCRM_ISU_ARC_PROFILE_SAVE program in the previous step, from thedatabase.
The archiving is only complete after this step. It should take placedirectly after writing.

This program is entered as delete program for the CRMISU_PRO IS-UArchiving: CRM Profiles archiving object.
The following happens when you delete archived profiles from thedatabase:
Information on the archived profiles is recorded in the archiveinformation system. This allows you to access the data for the archivedprofiles (read-only access).
The status of the profile is set to "archived". Archived profiles arethen, for example, displayed on the appropriate tab page in the BSPapplication.

A productive archiving run using the CRM_ISU_ARC_PROFILE_SAVE program.


Storage location - Here you specify the storage location, for which youwant to delete profiles.

Process Control
Test mode - If you choose this option, then the program is executed intest mode.
Production mode - If you choose this option, then the program isexecuted in production mode.
Detail log - If you do not set this indicator, then the system onlyoutputs a compressed log of the objects processed.

Log of deleted profiles