Programme SAP CRM_IC_50XPRA_XML_MIGRATION - Customization migration for Interaction Center WebClient

This documentation is for program CRM_IC_50XPRA_XML_MIGRATION.
The list of components below is similar to entries in table

In CRM 5.0, Interaction Center (IC) WebClient Customizing transactionsand tables were re-implemented from XML-based format to ABAP tabledriven format. The ABAP format allows a more flexible and familiarenvironment in Customizing.
This XPRA program migrates IC WebClient Customizing data from XML filesto database tables.

This program is executed automatically during the upgrade to SAP CRM 5.0and is only executable in client 000.
In SAP CRM 4.0, the following components used XML files for Customizingdata:
Component ID,,Component Description
AB,,Action Box (Transaction Launcher)
AC,,Activity Clipboard Profile
AD,,Launch Transaction Data Flow
AM,,Alert Modeler Profile
BD,,Business Data Context
DM,,Content Management
EM,,E-Mail Profile
EV,,Events Profile
LG,,Navigation Bar Link List (General)
LC,,Navigation Bar Personalized Settings
MI,,Misc. Storage (BOL to BOR Mapping)
WB,,Toolbar Profile
In 5.0, Customizing for the above components is maintained inmaintenance views. As part of the upgrade process, this programmigrates the Customizing data in XML files to database tables for allclients.
This program is re-start capable. In case you restart this program, thecustomization migration will continue without problems.

1244124XPRA throws a SAPSQL_WA_TOO_SMALL short dump