Programme SAP CRM_ICM_EXT_BP_ROLE_ADD - Adding ICMEXT role for the existing external Persons and Organizations

You use this report to add the newrole ICMEXT to the existingexternal persons and organizations.
This role is necessary to allow a search for Externals using theEnterprise Search.
All of the business partners in SAP Student Lifecycle Management (suchas person, organization, external person and external organization) usethe same Enterprise Search template CRM_ACCOUNT to index data in ES /TREX. This results in one large index that includes all businesspartners (except for employees).
To allow a specific search, for example only for Persons you mustpredefine the search string used by Enterprise Search. For example,predefinition could be ROLE=CRMICM.
But: when we wanted to search for Externals only, we pre-defined thesearch string like this: ROLE<>CRMICM (and a bit more). And exactly this<>-search does not work in ES for our Externals because the Externals donot have any role at all. Technically, the role in ES is NULL. To solvethis problem we introduced a new role for External Persons and ExternalOrganization so that we can pre-define the search string like this:ROLE=ICMEXT.
Report CRM_ICM_EXT_BP_ROLE_ADD assigns the role ICMEXT to the oldexternal persons and organizations for those there is no role at all.