This guide will show you step by step how to integrate your generatedSAP object into existing PC-UI applications. It will be shown how todisplay a generated object on a new tab page. There will be anadditional example where several objects can be shown on a new tab. Itis assumed that you have experience with PC-UI customizing.

These instructions only refer to SAP objects, not to customer objects.The generation report will not run in customer systems. There is a checkon the system settings. For customers a slightly different report willbe provided. The generated objects are item extensions, so include themonly on item level.

The generation report will generate some helpful PC-UI blueprintentries. As input parameter you will have to provide the name of thegenerated object(s) which shall be included. Next you have to state thename of the using PC-UI application . All generated objects will begenerated into the default view (BLVIEW = SPACE) of the application.From here you can copy it manually to all required views. Are-generation will only affect entries in the default view. The samerestriction applies to field group generation. No generation andre-generation of field group variants will be supported (only defaultvariant SPACE and default view SPACE).
The report generates a blueprint event entry for each object, the modelaccess class assignment in the application set of your application andthe field group (but not the layout for the fieldgroup). Additionallythe names of the field group, field structure and of all generatedentries are displayed after execution. All generated entries will beautomatically recorded in a transport order. Locking is supported. Thismeans if somebody locks the blueprint maintenance the objects cannot begenerated. In this case please retry the generation again at a laterpoint of time.
Moreover it is possible to create a new tab page on which the objectsare shown. This tab page generation will generate for each generationrun a new tab page, thus it can be only performed once. If you want toadd further objects later on, you will have to do this manually.

Choose your generated SAP objects that you would like to include intoyour PC-UI application. Next choose your PC-UI application. In "displayonly " mode the report would display all previously generated elements.Otherwise a regeneration takes place. Please be aware that afterregeneration all manual changes to the field group will be overwritten.
If you perfrom the object generation into your PC-UI application for thefirst time you might decide to let the report generate a new tab pagethat includes your objects. If you don't so, you will have to includeyour objects manually into the UI. Please be aware that only a new tabpage can be generated, it is not possible to extend existing tab pages.Please provide the name of the used "Tab Page Group', then state anevent name and a text for your new tab page. The tab page generationwill always create a multi group. This enables more than one object onthe tab page. Please specifiy a name for the multi group to begenerated.

In display mode the following information will be shown:
Object Info: ,,,,,,FS_010_10_EXT_SA
Name of Screen Structure on PC UI ,,CRMT_BSP_FS_010AD
Event for Object: ,,,,FS_010_10_EXT_SA
Application Set: ,,,,CRMD_ORDER
Structure Name: ,,,,
Model Access Class: ,,,,
Field Group: ,,,,
In generation mode you will get the same information. In case of errorsplease follow the instructions displayed on the screen.

After running this report please generate the field group layout usingreport CRM_BSP_LAYOUT_GENERATE.

A SAP developer would like to generate the object CRM_INTERESTS into thestandard PC-UI application Sales Order.


  • Add CRM_INTERESTS as object name

  • Add CRMD_BUS2000115 as PC-UI application

  • Optionally:
    • Flag the option "Generate new tab page"

    • State the name of the used tab page group

    • Enter an event name and text for the tab page (this BSP event will be
    • created)
      • Enter a name for the multi group to be created (the multi group enables
      • you to put more than one object on the tab page)
        Run the report. If an error due to locking occurs try it again at alater point of time.