Programme SAP CRM_FIMAN_INT_RECALC - CRM/FIMA: Check Consistency of Interest Rates

You use this report to check data consistency after the transfer oflegacy data.
The system calculates the effective interest rate for each payment stepusing the payments assigned to the step. It then compares this interestrate with the nominal interest rate assigned to the payment step.
The system logs any differences between the interest rates and alsodisplays an ALV list that documents the differences for each paymentstep. If required, you can transfer the recalculated interest rate tothe table CRMD_BILLPLAN_DF.
Before you update this table, and ideally before data transfer, youshould note that in this case the original interest and repayment splitcan not be guaranteed for the individual periods. This is only the caseif the legacy system is calculated in exactly the same way as an SAPsystem. Before you run this report, in the implementation project youshould evaluate any problems that may arise for change processes andspecial processes, such as floating rate adjustment.

As interest is calculated using the effective interest calculator, thepayment schedule in the legacy system must have been calculated based onthe methodology of the comparison account, in other words exponentialcalculation of interest and immediate clearing (AIBD method).