This report is used to download the business partner fact sheet. Theactivities are selected from the database based on certain criteria.These criteria comprise most of the selection criteria from theActivities Search tile set in Mobile Sales. This report should betriggered so that request BDocs are written. The request BDocs are thenhandled by the request BDoc adapter.
The filter criteria and defaults based on which activities are selectedare as follows:

  • Transaction Type: Business Activity 0000

  • Category: Sales Call 001

  • StartDate: From [Monday after system date] to [Sunday after (Monday
  • after system date)] (for the next week)
    • OR EndDate: From [Monday after system date] to [Sunday after (Monday
    • after system date)]
      • Status: Open, In Process

      • Priority: All priorities

      • A fact sheet request is created for all business partners linked to theactivities listed in the result list of the activity search (if there isnot already an existing open request).
        The properties created in the header of the request BDoc by this reportare given below:
        • MANDT: Client of CRM System

        • SFAUSER: Blank

        • REQDATE: System date

        • SPRAS: Set

        • GENFLAG: "X"

        • These properties are not set in the same way as a Mobile Sales request,which is sent using conntrans. A request BDoc has to be created for eachlanguage in the choice lists for FACTSPRAS. For example, three languagesare used in Switzerland, "IT", "DE", and "FR". The request is thereforegenerated on the server side for each language, if all languages aresupported in a particular project.
          The criteria for the activity selection can be specified as inputparameters for the report.