Programme SAP CRM_EVT_SSE_TEST_WB - Social Services Eventing Test Workbench

The program provides a test environment for
Social Services Eventing.It enables you to test the SSE subscriptions, SSE events, SSE eventattributes, expressions, and actions you have defined.
The test environment comprises the CRM_EVT_SSE_TEST_WB program and theTEST_SSE application class. All of the necessary settings have alreadybeen made and the BRF objects created with the delivered applicationclass. We recommend that you use this application class to test the SSEobjects you have defined. Alternatively, you can use other applicationclasses; in this case you need to make the necessary settings and createthe BRF objects yourself.
The following objects are delivered with the TEST_SSE application class:

  • For SSE subscriptions

  • Implementing class,,0EVT_R001
    Maintenance class,,CL_CRM_EVT_SUBSC_MNT
    • For SSE events

    • Implementing class,,0EVT_E002
      Runtime class,,CL_CRM_EVT_BRF_EVENT
      Maintenance class,,CL_CRM_EVT_BRF_EVENT_MNT
      • For SSE event attributes

      • Implementing class,,0EVT_F002
        Runtime class,,CL_CRM_EVT_BRF_EX_EVTATR
        Maintenance class,,CL_CRM_EVT_BRF_EX_EVTATR_MNT,,
        • For BRF contexts

        • Implementing class,,0EVT_F001
          Runtime class,,CL_CRM_EVT_BRF_EX_CONTEXT
          Maintenance class,,CL_CRM_EVT_BRF_EX_CONTEXT_MNT
          • Context and DDIC structure

          • Context,,0CONTEXT
            DDIC structure,,CRMT_EVT_BRF_TEST_CONTEXT
            • Dummy events

            • <(><<)>ACTS>,,Execution of BRF actions
              <(><<)>EXPR>,,Execution of BRF expressions
              • Expression case existence for business partner

              • Implementing class,,0EVT_F003
                Runtime class,,CL_CRM_EVT_BRF_EX_C_EXIST
                Maintenance class,,CL_CRM_EVT_BRF_EX_C_EXIST_MNT

                The program provides a context in which you can execute the program runwith input values (context components 1 -10).


                • Execute Event

                • When you select this radio button, event processing takes place in the S
                  SE runtime environment (asynchronously); all processing phases are run.
                  • Execute Event Directly

                  • When you select this radio button, event processing is started synchrono
                    usly with an event processing phase that you specify; only subscriptionsof the selected event processing phase are executed.
                    When you select the radio buttons Execute Expression and
                    Execute Action, the delivered dummy events EXPR or ACTS are selectedautomatically.
                    You can execute the program run with a range of event attribute values.The event attributes have no direct influence on the program run. The at
                    tributes are processed as expression values, however.
                    If you selected the Execute Event Directly radio button, thefollowing extra functions are available to you:
                    • BRF Trace Active

                    • When you set this indicator, the system provides detailed information ab
                      out the respective BRF object.
                      • Debugging Active

                      • This indicator enables you to activate debugging mode.

                        Run the program using transaction SE38.

                        The delivered expression 0EVT_F003 demonstrates the search for at leastone existing case for a business partner.