Programme SAP CRM_EVT_BRF_TEST_WB - SSE BRF Test Workbench

The program provides a test environment for BRF rules, BRF events, BRF e
xpressions, and BRF actions. It enables you to test the BRF objects youhave defined.
The test environment comprises the CRM_EVT_BRF_TEST_WB program and the T
EST_BRF application class. All of the necessary settings have alreadybeen made and BRF objects created with the delivered application class.We recommend that you use this application class to test the BRF objectsyou have defined. Alternatively, you can use other application classes;in this case, you need to make the necessary settings and create BRFobjects yourself.
The following objects are delivered with the TEST_BRF application class:

  • For BRF rules

  • Implementing class,,0EVT_R002
    Maintenance class,,CL_CRM_BRF_RULES_MNT
    • For BRF events

    • Implementing class,,0EVT_E001
      Runtime class,,CL_CRM_EVT_BRF_EVENT_CTX_BASE
      Maintenance class,,CL_EVENT_MNT_BRF
      • For BRF expressions

      • Implementing class,,0EVT_F001
        Runtime class,,CL_CRM_EVT_BRF_EX_CONTEXT
        Maintenance class,,CL_CRM_EVT_BRF_EX_CONTEXT_MNT
        • Context and DDIC structure

        • Context,,0CONTEXT
          DDIC structure,,CRMT_EVT_BRF_TEST_CONTEXT
          • Dummy events

          • <(><<)>ACTS>,,Execution of BRF actions
            <(><<)>EXPR>,,Execution of BRF expressions
            • Expression case existence for business partner

            • Implementing class,,0EVT_F003
              Runtime class,,CL_CRM_EVT_BRF_EX_C_EXIST
              Maintenance class,,CL_CRM_EVT_BRF_EX_C_EXIST_MNT

              The program provides a context in which you can execute the program runwith input values (context components 1 -10).

              When you set the Execute Expression and Execute Action ind
              icators, the delivered dummy events EXPR or ACTS are selectedautomatically.
              You can make the following settings for the program run:

              • BRF Trace Active

              • When you set this indicator, the program returns detailed information ab
                out the processing of the relevant BRF object.
                • Debugging Active

                • This indicator enables you to activate debugging mode.
                  • Commit Work Active

                  • When you set this indicator, your data is saved to the database. If this
                    indicator is not set, your data is only saved locally.

                    If you have not activated the BRF trace, the program outputs the resultonly. If you have activated the BRF trace, you get detailed informationabout the various BRF processing steps.

                    Run the program using transaction SE38.

                    The delivered expression 0EVT_F003 demonstrates the search for at leastone existing case for a business partner.