Programme SAP CRM_ERMS_XPRA_52 - XPRA: Set all existing attributes on shortlist

Mark all existing actions in the rule repository as to be shown in theRule Modeler, to ensure compatibility with previous releases.

In previous releases all actions from the Rules Repository customizingwere available in the Rule Modeler. As of CRM 5.2 it is possible toselectively hide actions (just like attributes), if they are never usedby unchecking the option "Show Actn." in the Rules Repositorycustomizing for actions.
This report ensures that all actions are available in the Rule Modelerby default by setting this flag for all existing actions and thusensures that no manual activity is necessary, if this new feature is notused.


  • Set the value of the new field SHORTLIST in table CRMC_ERMS_ACTN to 'X'
  • for all existing table entries in all clients.