Programme SAP CRM_ERMS_CAT_AS_IMPORT - Import Schemas

This program imports schemas from another system or client. You can usesearch criteria to specify the schemas that are to be imported. Animport log is kept for each imported schema.
Before the import, an authorization check takes place. In addition, anauthorization check is also run in the source system for the respectiveelements. Only those elements for which an authorization exists can beread by the respective user.


  • Remote Function Call (RFC) determines the logical destination of the
  • source system from which the import is to occur.
    • In the Schema section, you can specify the schemas that are to be
    • imported by using the schema ID or status, for example.
      • In the Validity section, you can use the validity of the schemas
      • to specify which schemas are to be imported.
        • In the Application Area section, you can use the assigned
        • application area to specify the schemas that are to be imported.
          • In the Administrative Data section, you can use the change data
          • to specify the schemas that are to be imported.