Programme SAP CRM_CLA_CLOSE - Claims Objects

Note that much of this text exists already in CRM 70 SP04.
However, A0G has enhanced functionality and the text below is enhanced
within the BF switches.

With this report, you can close claims and claim submissions. The reportcarries out a number of checks to ensure that the selected claims orclaim submissions can be completed, and rejects the change if a check isnot passed.
In the market development funds (MDF) scenario, you can also expireclaims.
You specify the transaction types that you want to run the report on.

Closing Claims
When you run the report on claim submissions, you can optionally includea check for unclear rejections.
Note: To enhance this report with an additional check for an errorstatus, create a variant of this report as a background processingvariant and make the following settings for the P_ERRORSparameter in the Objects for selection screen table of theattribute display of the report variant:

  • In the Selection variable field, select T.

  • In the Name of Variable (Input Only Using F4) field, select a
  • variable that you have created and set to value X in transactionSTVARV.
    IF &[SWITCH]CRM_PCM_MDF_1& = 'X'.

    Expiring Claims
    You can execute a claim expiration run with the following parameters:

    • You can choose an absolute date by specifying the Valid To date
    • and optionally the Valid From date. The system expires claimswith validity dates that fall on or within the range of validity datesthat you enter. Note the following:
      If you do not enter a date into the report's Valid From field,the system expires claims with Valid To dates that are less thanor equal to the date that you enter into the report's Valid Tofield.
      If you enter a date into the report's Valid From field, thesystem expires claims with no Valid From dates if their ValidTo dates are less than or equal to the date that you enter into thereport's Valid To field.
      • You can choose a relative date. The system uses the relative date to
      • determine the reference point for the expiration of claims. Thisfunction can help you with batch jobs scheduled to periodically execute.For example, you can expire all claims whose validity ended last month.
        Note that the report excludes claims that have previously expired.

        If you run this report to close a claim submission, it instructs yourFinancial Supply Chain Management system to close the dispute case thatgave rise to the claim submission.

        The output lists any claims or claim submissions that were completed bythe report and which matched your selected criteria, but could not becompleted because they did not pass the checks.
        IF &[SWITCH]CRM_PCM_MDF_1& = 'X'.The output also lists any expired claims and any claims that could notbe expired.
        You can simulate closing claims to determine which claims or claimsubmissions can be completed, without actually completing any claims.
        IF &[SWITCH]CRM_PCM_MDF_1& = 'X'.You can also simulate claims expiration to determine which claims wouldexpire, without actually expiring any claims.
        If you choose to close claims or claims submissions with an extendedlog, then the output list includes the reason why a particular claim orclaim submission (if any) could not be completed.