Programme SAP CRM_CIC_CTI_LOAD - Upload Interaction Statistics from Communication System

Original language changed from DE to EN for release 4.0 SP03. Describes
report CRM_CIC_CTI_LOAD, which you can view in tx se38: enter report
name, and choose Execute.

Upload Statistics Data from the Communication System

This report is used to upload statistics data from thecommunication system intomySAP Customer Relationship Management (mySAP CRM).
The data is saved in a buffer table, from which it is enriched withmySAP CRM application data, and extracted into the Business InformationWarehouse (BW) or Interaction Center Workforce Management (IC WFM).
In order to have access to data from the communincation system, youshould execute the report as often as required to meet your schedulingrequirements, for example, every night or once a week. You shouldexecute the report at least once a week, prior to calculating a forecast
, in order to use the most current CTI information when generating thatweek's schedule.


Enter the necessary data in each of the following sections.
Upload Method
There are two upload methods:

  • If data is from a communication system, choose CTI Upload.

  • For this method, you must have a CTI server connected to your mySAP CRMsystem. Enter parameter values for parameter group CTI UploadParameters.
    • If data is from flat files, choose File Upload.

    • For this method, you must have the interaction statistics data availablein files in CSV format. Enter parameter values for parameter groupFile Upload Parameters.
      Upload Automation
      If you want the system to upload only the data that is new since thelast upload, set flag Load Only New Data
      . When you choose this flag, the system automatically fills in theselection dates with the date of the last upload as the "from" date andthe current date as the "to" date.
      If you do not select Load Only New Data, you must specifyselection dates in section CTI Upload Parameters.
      If you select Load Only New Data and specify dates in sectionCTI Upload Parameters, the system takes as the "from" date theearlier of the following:
      • Date of the last upload

      • First date you entered in the field Selection Date

      • Example
        You select Load Only New Data and enter the following dates infield Selection Date: August 20 and August 31. The last uploadwas on August 1. The system uploads data from August 1 to August 31.
        CTI Upload Parameters
        Enter parameter values for the parameters that appear:
        • Select the statistics server, from
        • which you want to upload the communication data.
          • Enter the selection dates.

          • If necessary, change the package size
          • .
            File Upload Parameters
            Enter parameter values for the parameters that appear:
            • Time Zone of the Data

            • IC WFM needs the time zone in order to convert between local time and the UTC time stamp.
              If you use method CTI Upload, the time zone of the CTI server isset automatically. However, if you upload data using flat files, youmust use this field to select the time zone of the flat files. Thedefault is the time zone of the mySAP CRM system.
              • Header file

              • Enter the path of the CSV header file stored on your local system.
                • Item file

                • Enter the path of the CSV item file stored on your local system.
                  Data Targets
                  Specifies which target system you want to upload the data to.
                  Interaction statistics data can be used by both BW and IC WFM. You canupload the statistics data to either application or both applications.If you have both BW and IC WFM, we recommend uploading the data at thesame time, for performance reasons.
                  If your mySAP CRM system is not currently connected to BW or IC WFM,that option appears deactivated. To activate the option, connect thecorresponding system to mySAP CRM.
                  When you have entered the necessary data in each of the sectionsdescribed above, run the report by choosing Execute.

                  If you are switching from another analysis procedure to mySAP CRM, youcan use method File Upload to upload flat files containing yourexisting interaction statistics information into mySAP CRM.