Programme SAP CRM_BUPA_EURO_CONVERSION - Currency Changeover Business Partner

CRM Business Partner: Currency Changeover

Use this report to carry out currency changeover (for example, to theeuro) for as many business partners as you like.
You can change both the currency and the exchange rate type in thesales area data (billing data).

You can start the report for individual business partners or, forexample, for all business partners for a certain sales area. It is alsopossible for you to changeover all business partners on a certain date(background processing).
Enter the source and target currency. You can also enter a new exchangerate type. If the selection field is not filled, the value in thedatabase is not changed.
If the indicator Suppress dialog is set, the change over of allselected records occurs immediately.
If the indicator is not set, the hit list is displayed in a followingscreen. Here you must select the records that you want changed over.
If the indicator Test run is set, the database is not updated.

The changeover results are displayed in the form of an application log.