Programme SAP CRM_BUPA_ASSIGN_EMPLOYEE - Rule Based Assignment of Employees to Accounts

This report is used to assign employees to accounts and contacts. Itexecutes rules to find the appropriate employees for an account. It canbe executed online from transaction SE38 or as a background job.
Accounts and contacts for which the Rule Exclusion indicator hasbeen set are not considered by the report.

You have done the following:

  • Created a rule policy. For more information, see SAP Library for SAP
  • Customer Relationship Management on SAP Help Portal at (Components and Functions -> Master Data ->Business Partners -> Automatic Employee Assignment).
    • Specified the context in Customizing for Customer Relationship
    • Management under Master Data -> Business Partner -> Rule-BasedAssignment of Employees -> Specify Basic Settings.

      To search for business partners, you can select one of two options:

      Search by Basic Attributes
      You can specify basic business partner attributes as search criteria.
      You can also specify a a relationship to which the rule-based assignmentis not to apply. This enables you to exclude business partners for whichassignments exist with the specified relationship type.

      Search by Business Partner Relationship
      This enables you to search for business partners with existingassignments that should be replaced. You have to specify both parametersin this section to run this search.

      Generic Parameters
      These parameters are always relevant, irrespective of the search optionselected above:

      • Rule Policy

      • This is the rule policy that contains the relevant rules.
        • Log Level

        • Has a range from 1 - 6. Value "1" logs only error messages, value "6"logs all details.
          • Test Mode

          • If this indicator is set no database updates are done. The rules areapplied and the proposed changes are written to the log. If not set, thebusiness partners are updated with the changes proposed by the ruleengine.

            The report creates an application log. The application log is written tothe database, and can be accessed using the transaction SLG1. In thetransaction SLG1 select the following to see the traces of the report:

            • Object: CRM_BP_ASS (CRM Business Partner Employee Assignment)

            • Subobject: BATCH (Traces written by the assignment report)

            • If the report was started online and not in the background, the log isdisplayed when the run has been completed.

              You want to run the report as a background job on a daily basis in theevening to assure that all accounts are assigned an employeeresponsible. To narrow down the selection to the business partners thatare really relevant, you have the following options:

              • Select only business partners that have been created or changed today

              • Exclude employees from the selection (although they are technically
              • business partners they are not accounts)
                • Consider only business partners that do not already have an employee
                • responsible assigned (to avoid processing business partners where it isclear that no action is required)
                  To do this, you could create the following report variant:
                  • Change Date: Report variants support special selection variables for
                  • some fields. They can be specified in the variant attributes screen. Usethe variable "Current Date" of type "D: Dynamic date calculation". Thissets the current date when the background job is run.
                    • Business Partner Role: Use the input help to exclude the single value
                    • BUP003 (Employee).
                      • No Assignment for Relationship: Select BUR011 (Responsible Employee).

                      • Rule Policy: Select the rule policy that contains the appropriate rules
                      • for assigning an employee responsible.
                        • Log Level: Set to "2" to see only errors and warnings and keep the
                        • number of log messages low.
                          • Test Mode: Leave blank so that the business partners are updated on the
                          • database.