Programme SAP CRM_BUPA_ARCHIVING_FLAGS - Business Partner: Test Program for Setting Archiving Flag

This program is not meant to be used in a live system.
It should be used mainly for resetting the check date, which isrelevant for the BP archiving.


  • Business partner number

  • The business partners whose status should be changed are listed here
    • Status: archiveable

    • BP can be activated without any further checks
      • Status: archived

      • BP has already been archived
        • Status: to be deleted

        • BP can be deleted
          • Archiving flag

          • BP has been flagged for archiving. This can be checked in transactionBP under STATUS -> Archiving flag
            • Reset check date

            • This flag allows you to reset the check date that was created bysetting the archiving flag via the BP dialog.