Programme SAP CRM_ACTIVITIES_XPRA_20C - XPRA for conversion from activities to business activities and tasks

XPRA for the conversion of Customizing data and transaction data forthe abstract transaction type Activity in business activities andtasks.


,,The report converts:

,,1. Customizing tables

,,1.1.,,CRMC_PR_ASSIGN Transaction type-Transaction object typecombination assignment

,,1.2 . CRMC_PROC_TYPE Business transaction type

,,1.3.,,CRMC_PARTNER_PDA Possible uses of partner determinationprocedures

,,by means of the TASK field in the Customizing table CRMC_ACTIVITY_H

transaction type-activity-control parameter, thetransaction type BUS2000110 (Activity) is converted into ,,thetransaction types BUS2000126 (Business Activity) or BUS2000125 (Task).

If the document volume is < 1 million

2. Transaction data.

,,2.1.,,CRMD_ORDERADM_H Business transaction

,,2.2. ,,SRRELROLES Object Relationship Service : Roles

,,2.3.,,CRMD_ORDER_INDEX Index table for the OneOrder document

via the TASK field in the Customizing table CRMC_ACTIVITY_H,,Transaction type-activity-control parameter, the transaction typeBUS2000110 (Activity) is converted into ,,the transaction typesBUS2000126 (Business Activity) or BUS2000125 (Task) umgesetzt.


After the Customizing data has been converted and the document volumeis > 1 million, you use the report CRM_ACTIVITIES_XPRA_20C_DOC toconvert the transaction data.