Programme SAP CRM_ACE_XPRA40 - Program CRM_ACE_XPRA40

This report adapts some CRM 4.0 database tables of the Access ControlEngine (ACE).

In CRM 5.0 the ACE user groups concept is enhanced by workpackages. Thereport automatically adapts old usergroups without workpackages usingdefault workpackages.
To show the administrator which usergroups need to be reactivated thereport writes status of the new workpackages including these usergroupsinto a new table.
Furthermore the administrator also needs to reactivate the ACE rights.Therefore the report also fills a new status table and deletes rightsfrom the runtime table.

Records from table CRM_ACE_U_GRP will be read.
Records from table CRM_ACE_UGR_RT will be read.
Records from table CRM_ACE_RIG_RT will be read.
Records from table CRM_ACE_WP_OTS will be read.

Records from table CRM_ACE_U_GRP will be updated.
Records from table CRM_ACE_RIG_RT will be deleted.
New Records will be inserted into table CRM_ACE_RIG_LOG.
New Records will be inserted into table CRM_ACE_WP_LOG.
New Records will be inserted into table CRM_ACE_WP_RT.