Programme SAP CRM_4S_CUST_DISPLAY - Displaying Customizing Settings in Social Services

This report allows you to analyze the Customizing entries created forWeb requests, social applications (SOA), and social service plans (SSP)in the Social Services component and their relationships to each. Youcan also use this report as the central interface for accessing theCustomizing maintenance for Social Services.

The report analyzes the entries created in Customizing for SocialServices, and displays the reference between Web requests and theassigned social applications and social service plans in an ALV GridControl.
From the Customizing entries that can be executed as links, you can callthe related detail settings, and navigate in the respective Customizingtables. For example, from an SOA transaction type, you can call thesettings in the header data, the item category, and the assignedprofiles (case assignment profile, item proposal profile, SSP assignmentprofile), or navigate in the related Customizing tables.

You can specify a language key to define the selection of the displayedtexts. This does not restrict the number of Customizing entriesdisplayed.