Programme SAP CRMXIF_PARTNER_HIER_TEST - Outbound Test Program for Interface CRMXIF_PARTNER_HIER_SAVE

Test Report for Business Partner Hierarchy InterfaceCRMXIF_PARTNER_HIER_SAVE

With this Report you can create Outbound Documents for the InterfaceCRMXIF_PARTNER_HIER_SAVE.
You can create Outbound Documents in the form of

  • IDOC Messages

  • XML SOAP Calls to an External SOAP Server

  • DXWB Inbound Files.

  • The Report extracts a Business Partner Hierarchy and transfers Data toappropriate Outbound Processing.
    An Outbound File is created with the Report for the DX Workbench. Thisis required for importing the Data via the InterfaceCRMXIF_PARTNER_HIER
    In a transfer project you can very simply create an example file for aself-defined Business Partner Hierarchy in the CRM System.

    See Interface for additionalinformation CRMXIF_PARTNER_HIER_SAVE

    You must maintain the appropriate Outbound Customizing. SeeCustomizing External Interfaces for Outbound MessageProcessing


    You can restrict Business Partner(s) in the Selectionscreen.
    You can select the Outbound Site in the Field SiteName .

    You can see the extracted Data in the appropriate Outbox.

    • XML Site: external SOAP Server

    • IDOC Site: ALE Outbound Processing (we05) for the Message Type in
    • question.
      • DXWB: The File defined in the DX Workbench Tools.