Programme SAP CRMMSIND - Replace Industry-Relevant Short Texts

Replacement of industry sector-specific short texts
For industry-specific solutions, the short texts in an SAP System can bemodified to suit the requirements for a particular industry sector. Thisenables users from a particular industry sector to navigate around theSAP System more quickly and to understand the meaning of certain SAPfunctions better. A user does not then have to learn SAP specificterminology, but can find industry-specific terms that he or she is usedto using directly in the SAP System.
The tool described in the following document allows you to search forindustry-sector specific texts and to convert then for a particularindustry.
The goal of the process described here is to create a textpoolcontaining all short texts relevant for an industry sector and to assignit to the corresponding table entries in the SAP System.
The textpool is a table (BRATEXT) that contains the followinginformation for each text:
Language key, industry sector key, table name, field name, table key,original short text, industry-specific short text.
The textpool is the basis for activating a SAP System in anindustry-specific "dialect".
The following tasks can be derived:
First, enter the terms you want to replace and define the correspondingterms that you want to replace them with.
These definitions are used to locate the industry-specific texts.
The texts must be converted interactively.
To carry out these tasks, the following functions are required:
Specification of character strings for locating industry-specific terms.
Construction of a proposal pool for all converted texts.
The process distinguishes between character strings, determinations,target terms, proposals and short texts.
Character strings are the start of the process. As an example, you wantto replace the SAP term "Material" with the industry-specific term"Article". To do this, all composite phrases containing the term"Material" should be converted, for example, "Material Master" to"Article Master". The system therefore needs to search the system forall possible composite phrases. To do this, enter "Material" or "Mat",and all other terms that you want to convert. Enter these as characterstrings and then start the search for all short texts.
The result of the search is a list of words and composite phrases to beprocessed. At this point, you determine which of the words found shouldbe accepted and which should not be accepted (for example, "RawMaterial" should not be replaced with "Raw Article").
Once you have defined all your source terms, you have to define all thecorresponding target terms. This definition can be restricted to genericdevelopment classes, but this is not mandatory. For example, you canreplace "Material" only in development class M*, or you can set moredetailed filters so the term is only replaced in development classes MA*
, MAB*, or MABC. Theoretically, you can define as many different targetdifferent generic development classes as you want. The developmentclasses *, M*, MA*, MAB*, and MABC are different from one another,but form a hierarchy. For a short text from a particular developmentclass, the lowest target term in the hierarchy in used. In the aboveexample, the system would first search for a target term for MABC for ashort text from development class MABC. If no term was defined here, thesystem searches for MAB*, then for MA*, M* and finally for *.
Once all target terms have been defined, the system can construct aworklist for the proposal pool. A further search is started to find allshort texts that contain the target texts.
The worklist can now be processed. The short texts are converted intoindustry-specific "dialect" in the same way as normal texts aretranslated into other languages. Conversion takes place per line and aproposal exists for each line to be converted. The proposals are createdby automatically exchanging the individual terms in the short textlines.
Conversion takes place using a special editor. After conversion, thetext has status "processed". If it is not possible to convert aparticular text immediately as its meaning is not clear, this text hasstatus "reset" and can be processed again at a later stage.
The editor carries out a check for each text to be converted. It onlyaccepts texts that actually contain the target terms defined by theuser.
The worklist has to be rerun at fixed intervals to include texts thathave come into the system during the current conversion phase. In somecases, texts that have already been converted have to be updated as thecorresponding target terms have been redefined.
Before a new worklist is run, the system checks the proposal pool. Itchecks whether each source text in the proposal pool also contains adefined target term and whether the converted text contains this targetterm. If this is not the case, the proposals are deleted from theproposal pool. When the new worklist is run, only current texts withcurrent target terms are entered into the proposal pool.
Once the worklist has been completed, the converted texts can bedistributed to the textpool. The textpool contains all short texts to beconverted, for each table and table key, in the original version and inthe industry-specific version. During distribution to the textpool, theconverted texts from the proposal pool are assigned to their tables.
This completes the process of text conversion.
All functions are called up via transaction ST62.
1. Step: Define character strings.
You can access the relevant editor via Goto->Character Strings.
1.1 Call up transaction ST62.
1.2 Choose Goto/Character Strings
1.3 Enter a character string to be searched for for each line (at leastthree characters)
1.4 If you want to exclude certain character strings, flag the stringwith No.
1.5 Save the defined terms (F11).
1.5 Once you have defined all the character strings, start the search:Utilities -> Search Character Strings
2. Step: Determine terms
You can determine terms after the search for character strings hasfinished. You can access the relevant editor via Goto->Define Terms.
2.1 Call up transaction ST62.
2.2 Use the selection New Entries.
2.3 Choose Goto/Determine Terms.
2.4 If you want to assign a target term, flag the entry with Yes, if not
, flag the entry with No. Terms that retain the flag New are reset later
2.5 Save all defined terms (F11).
2.6 Once you have determined all terms, use Utilities/Terms to acceptthe terms flagged with Yes for the definition of corresponding targetterms.
3. Step: Define Terms
Once you have accepted all determined terms for definition, you can thendefine these terms. You can access the relevant editor via Goto->DefineTerms.
3.1 Call up transaction ST62.
3.2 Use the selection New Entries.
3.3 Enter a target term for each source term.
3.4 Save your definitions (F11).
4. Step: Convert Texts
4.1 Call up transaction ST62.
4.2 Use the selection New Entries.
4.3 Maximize your processing window to full screen.
4.4 Check the conversions proposed by the system.
4.5 Save your converted texts.
5. Step: Construct Textpool
Once you have converted all texts, you can construct the textpool.
5.1 Call up transaction ST62.
5.2 Choose Utilities/Distribute Short Texts.
1. Authorization:
You need authorization S_SBRN_UMS to call up transaction ST62. Thisauthorization is contained in the authorization profile of the samename.
2. Worklist Distribution:
To distribute worklists to their processors, the name of the convertermust be entered in table (BRAN1). Worklists are distributed bydevelopment class.
3. Data Backup:
You should open a separate directory for data backup. You can enter thecomplete path names of the files in table TSKTF.
Description of individual functions:
Industry Sector Selection:
Choose language and industry sector.
Selection takes place according to entries in tables BRANT and T002T.
Text Selection:
Here you can choose specific texts for processing. For a genericselection, choose *.
Default is space (all).
Short Test:
e.g. *mat*: all texts containing the string "mat". The searchconsiders upper/lower case spelling.
Development Class:
e.g. M* : Texts from all development classes beginning with M.
Field Length Area:
e.g. from 20 to 30: Texts that have field lengths between 20 and 30characters.
Qualitative Selection:
New Entries:
This selection is used for determinations, target terms and proposals.You can use it to process the text entries determined automatically.
Already Processed Entries:
This selection allows you to reprocess texts that have already beensuccessfully converted.
Direct Entries:
This selection is only used for target terms. You access an editor inwhich you can enter target terms directly in addition to the termsdetermined automatically.
Reset Entries:
You can use this selection to access texts that you could not yetprocess in the New Entries and which you have flagged as "Reset".
Quantitative Selection:
Number of Entries:
Use this selection to determine the number of lines you want to process.
Time interval for selecting terms and proposals.
Converter name:
Use this selection for terms and proposals that have been processed orreset.
There are four editors available for processing character strings, termdeterminations, term definitions and text conversions. You can accessthe editor for text conversions via Edit, the others via Goto.
Editor for Character Strings:
Enter a typical character string for the terms to be replaced, forexample, Mat for Material.
You can exclude certain character strings from the search (excludecolumn, default is include) so that the search program does not find toomany terms.
You get additional empty lines with New Entries.
You can change already existing character strings by overwriting them ordeleting them by overwriting them with spaces.
For selecting character strings, you can only use industry sector ortext selection (without development class).
Note: The search string should be at least three characters long.
Editor for Determinations:
Here, you can determine which of the terms found by the search you wantto define as a term for conversion.
Newly determined terms have the status New.
If you want to assign a target term, flag the entry with Yes, if not,flag the entry with No. Terms that retain the flag New are reset laterwhen you save.
Note: Quantitative selection does not work in this editor.
Editor for Term Definition:
Editor for Text Conversion:
Search Character Strings:
You can use this function to schedule the background program thatsearches the given character strings in all SAP short texts and thatenters the terms found in the table for terms to be determined.
Runtime: Several hours.
Accept Terms:
You can use this function to schedule the background program thattransfers the determined terms to the table for target terms.
Runtime: Some minutes.
Create Worklist:
You can use this function to schedule the background program thatsearches the terms to be replaced in all SAP short texts and that entersthe terms found in the proposal pool and the textpool.
Runtime: Several hours.
Note: For this program, the number of terms that consist of more thanone work has a considerable effect on runtime. The fewer multiword terms
, the shorter the runtime
Distribute Short Texts:
You can use this function to schedule the background program thattransfers the converted texts from the proposal pool to the textpool.
Runtime: One to two hours.
Transfer to File:
You can use this function to backup data for character strings,determinations, target terms, proposals and the textpool. The programsare started in the background. You must have already determined the filenames using Goto->Path Name.
Runtime: A few minutes each.
Note: You can use Goto->Job Overview to alter the scheduling for thesejobs so that they run periodically.
Load from File:
If you lose data, you can use this function to fetch the backup datafrom the files you determined under Goto->Path Name
Runtime: A few minutes each.
Note: The data in database tables is not deleted before reloading.Existing database entries remain unchanged and are not overwritten bythe reload.
Display currently available entries in character strings, determinations
, target terms, proposals, textpool.
Display textpool entries.
Target Terms:
Display Target Terms
Industry Sectors:
Display of available industry sectors with industry sector ID.
Display converters per industry sector.
Character strings, determinations, terms, proposals and the textpool arestored in transparent tables:
Character strings in table TSKTU
Determinations in table TSKTV
Terms in table TSKTW
Proposals in SBM132
Textpool in BRATEXT.
Table TSKTV is filled by the program Search Character Strings accordingto the entries in TSKTU.
The program Accept Terms transfers the entries from TSKTV to TSKTW.
Locate terms to be replaced in short texts (Program SAPRSBRA)
Generate proposals for proposal pool (Program SAPRSBRG)
Convert short texts in the proposal pool (Transaction ST62)
Distribute proposal pool texts to textpool (Table BRATEXT)