Programme SAP CREATE_PVS_ML - Create Multi-Level PVS Example

With this report, you can generate a multi-level product variantstructure including the material masters, a class with characteristics,and a configuration profile.
You can decide on the size of the example yourself. If you wish tocreate a more comprehensive example, is recommended to let the reportrun in the batch.


  • You can generate a maximum of 9 variants with the appropriate object
  • dependencies at a structure node.
    • A separate material is used for each structure node in the variants.

    • The structure node at the top-most level (level 0) has only one variant.
    • This variant contains a configurable material for which a configurationprofile can also be generated with the report.

      Group Box Data:

      • Description:

      • The report generates the names for the class, the characteristics, thematerial masters, the configuration profile, and the structure node fromthe description.
        The class and configuration profile are both assigned the nameDESCRIPTION.
        The characteristics are assigned the name DESCRIPTION_CHAR_X and/orDESCRIPTION_NUM_X.
        The structure nodes are assigned the name DESCRIPTION_XX_YYYYY, where XXis the level at which the structure nodes are located, and where YYYYYis the number of the structure node at this level.
        The materials are assigned the same names as the structure nodes wherethe materials are used.
        • Number of Characteristics

        • Controls how many characteristics are generated in numerical and incharacter format.
          • Number of Subordinate Nodes

          • Controls how many structure nodes can be assigned to a structure node.
            • Number of Levels

            • Determines the number of levels. The upper-most structure node islocated on level 0. Level 0 is not counted for the number of levels.
              • Max. Number of Nodes per Level

              • You can restrict the number of nodes with this value, as the number ofnodes increases very quickly from level-to-level.
                • Number of Variants

                • Determines the number of variants per structure node.
                  • Plant

                  • Materials and iPPE accesses are created in this plant. The plant mustalready be available in the system.
                    • Change Number

                    • If you specify a change number, all variants and relationships arecreated with this change number. The change number must already beavailable in the system and valid for maintaining variants andrelationships.
                      Group Box Objects
                      • With these entries, you specify which objects the report will generate.

                      • Group Box Further Options
                        • These settings allow you to determine if change documents are written
                        • for objects, and how the log is displayed.
                          Group Box Extend Product Variant Structure
                          You can extend a product variant structure that you created with thisreport without overwriting the existing objects. Set the Extend thePVS Structure indicator, and specify a start level and start number.The start level specifies the level and the start number specifies thenumber of the structure node from which the structure is extended.