Programme SAP CORU_PHANT_REDUCT - Reduction of Planning for Multi-Level Planned Phantoms

In the confirmation, because of the backflush of a component, only theplanned quantity of a phantom assembly is considered on the lowestlevel.
To reduce the planned quantities of multi-level phantom assemblies,program CORU_PHANT_REDUCT or ZORUDUMM described in note 126081 is usedin a batch job.

There are three different ways of selecting the backflushed componentsthat are linked with a dummy component:

  • Selecting components of particular orders by specifying the orders in
  • the selection option "Orders"
    • Selecting components of orders, for which confirmations were created in
    • the "Number of days in the past" or in the selection option"Confirmation date".
      • Selecting components of orders, for which in the "Number of days in the
      • past" or in the selection option "Date of material document" goodsmovements are posted from confirmation transactions.
        Using the "Largest quantity" parameter, you can control whether thelargest or smallest backflushed quantities of the components belongingto a dummy determine the update of the backflushed quantity for thedummy itself. If this parameter is set, according to the defaultsetting, this also means that the "Final issue effected" indicator inthe dummy is then also set, as long as the indicator is only set for asingle assigned component. The other components could then not bebackflushed or have been recognized as incorrect and are ready forpostprocessing in transaction COGI.
        For the periodic scheduling of program in a background job, werecommend you use parameter "Number of days in the past" in block"Confirmation" and set parameter "Largest quantity" as suggested.

126081Multi-level reduction of planned phantoms
527074No reduction of dummy assembly for final confirmatn w. qty 0
430936Incorrect rounding for withdrawn qty of phantom assemblies