Product Recategorization

This report is used to either delete or change the assignment of acategory to a product. The report will not only delete the assignment ofa category to a product, but the set data pertaining to the set typesthat belong to that category (for that product) as well. However, if thereport is executed to change the assignment of a category to a product,only the set data pertaining to the set types assigned to the oldcategory, not the new category, will be deleted.
If relationship types have been assigned to the category, these willalso be deleted during recategorization. If no relationship types havebeen assigned to the category however, all relationship types aredisplayed for the product in product maintenance. When a product isrecategorized therefore, relationship data is not deleted if there areno relationship types assigned to the new category.
Note that you can only reassign products to a category within the samehierarchy.
You can execute the report in test mode first. This will identify theset types and relationship types that the report will delete, withoutdeleting the data from the database. If you do not set the Test Mode
indicator, the report deletes the data from the database.

Inactive Versions
The report cannot be executed for inactive products or products withinactive versions.
PME Data
If the product has PME data (multiple-value attributes):

  • You can delete the assignment between the product and category. This
  • also deletes the PME data.
    • You can reassign the product to a new category. The PME data will be
    • deleted, even if the set type is also assigned to the new category.
      In order to execute the report, the user must have the authorization tochange products.
      Base Hierarchy
      The report cannot be executed to delete the assignment of acategory to a product when that category is assigned to the basehierarchy. In this scenario, the report can only be executed tochange the assignment of a category to a product.

      Product-Category Assignment to Be Changed
      Enter the products, category hierarchy, and product category of theassignment to be deleted or changed. All three fields are mandatory.
      The two radio buttons indicate whether the report is to be executed todelete or change the assignment of a category to aproduct.

      • New Category

      • If the report is to be executed to change the assignment of a categoryto a product, then the new category has to be specified.
        • Test Mode

        • If this checkbox is selected, the report will be executed in test mode.As mentioned above, this will identify the set types and relationshiptypes that the report will delete, without deleting the data from thedatabase.