Programme SAP CNV_CDMC_CA_GET_DUPL_DOMS - Report for Duplicate Domain determination

CDOP : Clearing Analysis - Duplicate Domain Determination Report

This program determines if for every domain in the customer name spacethere exists -
1. an equal domain in the SAP standard domain.
2. another equal domain in the customer Namespace.
3. an SAP Standard domain as well as a Customer Domain exists.
Those customer domains can possibly be replaced by the SAP standarddomain.


The report can be executed AD-Hoc or for a Specific Project. If thereport is called via the PROJECT's tree then, the project id of thePROJECT is used else if an ADHOC call to the report is made, then theproject id needs to be supplied.

The database table CNVCDOPCA_OBJS is updated as follows - for allentries with OBJ_TYPE = DOMA, the field HAS_SAP_DOM is updated with thevalues 0 , 1 , 2 or 3. The meaning of these values can be found fromthe fixed values of the domain CNVCDOP_DUPLICATE_DOMAIN_FLAG.