Programme SAP CNVCDMCUCIA_GET_USED_SAP_OBJS - CDMC : UCIA - Determine the SAP Objects used in Customer Objects

Determination of SAP Objects used in Customer Objects

The purpose of this program is:
1. To determine the objects in the system which belong to the customernamepspace.
2. To perform the environment analysis of the found customer objectsand thereby obtain the SAP objects which are being used. This step isdone in an iterative manner, in the sense that some of the SAP objectsused within the customer namepsace are further analysed for theirenvironment to obtain a more accurate and complete result.

This program is used as an activity for the "Upgrade Change ImpactAnalysis" scenario of CDOP. It is called by following these steps -
1. Go to transaction CNV_CDOP.
2. Create a new project uncder "Upgrade Change Impact AnalysisProjects".
3. In the subsequent screen "Maintain the project landscape".
4. Execute the step "Determine used SAP Objects".
CAUTION : This program may have a long runtime and it is not meant foronline execution

The project landscape of the UCIA Project is maintained correctly.

The program does not produce an output for display. The database tablesCNVCDOPUCIA_OBJS and CNVCDOPUCIA_OREF are updated with the customerobjects and the SAP Objects used therein, respectively.

1335549CDMC EHP1 UCIA Scenario: Miscellaneous Corrections